Code of Conduct - Lee's Family Forum

Lee's Family Forum Guest Code of Conduct

  • Guests shall be courteous to players, Lee’s Family Forum staff and other guests.
  • Guests shall not disrupt the event, performers, or athletes in any manner.
  • Guests shall sit only in their ticketed seat location and show their ticket upon request.
  • Guests who consume alcoholic beverages shall do so in a legal and responsible manner.
  • Guests shall refrain from disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language and obscene gestures.
  • Guests who engage in fighting, throwing objects or attempting to enter the playing surface, stage, or restricted area without proper credentials will immediately be ejected from the arena.
  • Guests are encouraged to report inappropriate or offensive behavior to the nearest Lee’s Family Forum Staff.
  • Guests shall not sit, stand, or congregate in the aisles, other than in the normal course of entering or vacating the seating area.
  • Guests shall not stand or climb on seats, bars, railings, or any other equipment, or building structures.
  • Guests are asked to comply with requests from arena staff regarding arena operational and emergency procedures.
  • Guests shall comply with posted notices and signs.
  • Guests shall always wear appropriate clothing, including a shirt, bottoms, and shoes.
  • Obscene or indecent messages on signs or clothing will not be permitted. Signs must be relevant to the event.
  • Lee’s Family Forum has a “No Re-entry Policy”, including after being ejected.
  • Lee’s Family Forum is a non-smoking facility and guests may only smoke in the designated smoking area.

Lee’s Family Forum thanks you for your cooperation with the Guest Code of Conduct.